Top Issues

Learn more about some of the issues that I am most passionate about.

Brendalynn Issues

Elder Justice

California’s senior population, those over 65, will double over the next twenty years from 4.3 million in 2010 to 8.4 million in 2030.  For the first time in the history of the state, older Californians will outnumber young people. The community and elected officials must address the growing needs of older adults and the many important issues that impact elders in our communities. Aging in place, living with dignity, being part of the community, feeling safe, maintaining health and mobility, and being able to exercise choice – these are expectations that all of us have as we age.

Certain communities are at an increased risk of aging into poverty because of systemic inequities they confront throughout their lives. Inequities and resulting disparities arise based on race, gender, sexual identity, disability, immigration status, language, and the environment in which people live. We must put forth policy solutions that address the fact that not all individuals age in the same way. Democrats must support and elect officials that are invested in promoting healthy aging and provide resources and policies to prepare California for our future demographic changes.


LGBTQ Rights

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) community encompass all races and ethnicities, religions, and social classes. Due to ongoing disparities associated with societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of LGBTQ civil and human rights, now it is more important than ever that we continue the fight. The fight for equality in health care services, affordable housing, immigrants, transgender people, work place equity, racism within and from outside our communities and address critical needs of elders and youth in the community.

Our current climate is prevalent with vehement hostility towards the LGBTQ community from the Republican Administration and an indifferent media that fails to acknowledge and accurately report on the magnitude of violence and murders perpetuated on transgender individuals, especially those of people of color.

The LGBTQ community is now seeing attempts to rollback gains we have spent decades working to achieve, including marriage equality benefits. More than ever Democrats need to support and elect candidates at all levels of government who are committed to advancing and uphold the full civil and human rights of the LGBTQ community—and, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to fight against acts of hatred, bias, and violence directed towards this community and its allies.


Community Engagement


Alice Walker, novelist, poet, and social activist, teaches us that, “activism  is my rent for living on the planet”.  When I think of community engagement, it is my form of activism.  Community engagement has been the common thread with all my experiences. As an advocate for mental health issues, senior and youth programs, Community Engagement was my motivation. It is about relationship building, dialogue, action and making change. Whether the issue is affordable housing, criminal justice reform, providing a living wage, elder justice, or LGBTQ rights, Community Engagement initiates the process.

As a member of the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, I will bring experience and values to the table and strive to listen to District 18 residents. I will make every effort to listen to your suggestions and concerns. Then I will take your ideas to the Central Committee and represent you with your votes.